Tuesday 22 October, 2024

Scottish history and heritage online

Euan Lindsay

Euan is a former soldier, a retired architect, amateur historian and re-enactor with decades of experience.

The Inchtuthil Nail Hoard

In 1959 during excavation of the legionary fortress at Inchtuthil near Dunkeld headed by Sir Ian Richmond, archaeologists uncovered a singularly remarkable haul of a single kind of artefact. Located in a twelve-foot deep pit...

The Lost Legion: A Personal Search

In my article – Disappearance of the Ninth Legion – I set out to address the probable fate of the famous Roman Ninth Legion – the IX Hispana –which mysteriously disappeared early in the...

Mons Graupius Identified

 “…which will you choose – to follow your leader into battle, or to submit to taxation, labour in the mines, and all the other tribulations of slavery? Whether you are to endure these for...

Roman roads in Scotland

Myth and fable surround much common understanding of Roman roads, they are for instance proverbial for their straightness and all lead to Rome. Or at least so we are commonly told. The purpose of...

Roman Scotland: Chronology

325 BC: The Greek navigator and astronomer Pytheas sails the coast of Britain and names the island Pretani. 55 BC: Julius Caesar campaigns in southern England. 54 BC: Julius Caesar returns to campaign against tribes in...

Roman marching camps in Scotland

Scotland is truly fortunate in the number and range of Roman marching camps already identified here, and without a shadow of doubt, many more remain to be discovered in the years to come. Marching camps...

The Scots at Marston Moor

In a field west of York near Long Marston the combined forces of the Scottish Army of the Solemn League and Covenant, reinforced by Lord Fairfax and the Earl of Manchester’s separate local English...

The Battle of Haddon Rig

The battle of Haddon Rig, fought on 24 August 1542, came as a consequence of European politics. Recently faced with the threat of war to replace the schismatic English King Henry VIII by the...

The Siege of Newcastle 1644

Crossing the Tweed in January 1644, the Army of the Solemn League and Covenant, led by Alexander Leslie, Earl of Leven advanced rapidly into England in support of the English Parliament and only narrowly...

The Cromwellian Fort of Ayr

In 1652 following military defeat and the declaration of a Commonwealth between England and Scotland, English occupation forces began the construction of fortified posts to hold down a war-weary yet hostile Scots population. While...

Roman Forts in Scotland

Scotland can boast of a great many Roman forts, though unfortunately few now have upstanding remains. Often all that can be seen is the profile of the flat fort platform. In some instances, however,...

The Tribes of Ancient Scotland

Authors note: Before we proceed, we would like to offer a quick explanation of the title of this article and the thoughts driving the article's production. Scotland is an ancient country, older than most other...

Disappearance of the Ninth Legion

Pick up a paper or read a web article which makes mention of the mysterious disappearance of the Roman Ninth Legion - IX Hispana - from the historical record and chances are these days...